
Friday 26 October 2012

Know the facts behind drinking WINE

Know the facts behind drinking WINE

Hello friends how many of u drink wine okay now its time to know about the facts behind the wine......:)

Despite rising attitudes that red wine is a healthful drink, new research from Rutgers University says that just two glasses of wine a day can reduce adult brain cell production by 40 percent. Matters may not be quite so simple, however. Lead author Megan Anderson claims there is a fine line between moderate and binge drinking, and that one can become the other “without the person realizing it.”

Inhibits Learning and Memory

In the Rutgers experiment, rats were used to model moderate to heavy drinking in people. Although motor skills and short-term associative learning were not affected by a blood alcohol level of of 0.08, the American legal driving limit, brain cell production was. This could be detrimental to human adults due to the communication that takes place between new cells and other neurons.
“If this area of your brain was affected every day over many months and years, eventually you might not be able to learn how to get somewhere new or to learn something new about your life.”

Moderation and Healthy Lifestyles

What, then, about the recent studies in red wine reducing breast cancer and protecting skin against sunburn? Rather than discrediting these studies, the Rutgers study might serve as a cautionary reminder: everything in moderation.

Additionally, some skeptics add that resveratrol—an antioxidant found in red wine as well as grapes and berries—have no beneficial effects  Purely by being an antioxidant, however, resveratrol is a good ally in any diet, reported in several studies to halt metabolic syndrome and diabetes as well as reducing inflammation and therefore preventing Parkinson’s disease.

It’s worth considering that resveratrol in its natural environment—red wine, berries, grapes, and peanuts—may interact with other nutrients and have more healthful effects than purely in supplementary form. It could also be that individuals who enjoy (key word: enjoy) a daily drink in good company in a stress-free environment simply live longer and conquer disease easier.

Alcohol and your weight have a tricky relationship. So tricky, in fact, that experts have had a tough time nailing down exactly why some women wind up with a beer gut (or butt) while others drink daily and never seem to gain a pound.

Here's what we know: Your average drink—beer, wine, martini, pick your poison—is usually a combination of carbs, sugar, and ethanol (pure alcohol). When it goes down the hatch, it makes a pit stop at your stomach, where some of the alcohol is absorbed through the lining and into your bloodstream, giving you that initial buzz. The carbs and sugar go the traditional digestive route, while ethanol, a toxin, is diverted to the liver.

This is when that innocent little drink starts messing with your internal fat incinerator. Ethanol has no nutritional value, so your body burns it off first. That means any remaining calories in your stomach—whether they're from the margarita or the chips and guacamole you had with it—will likely be stored as fat. And the more fattening the foods you eat, the easier the calories are to store. (Bear in mind that research published in Physiology & Behavior found that alcohol makes us focus on immediate pleasure and ignore the consequences, which often results in eating junk food.) Unlike protein and carbs, which require some energy for the body to break down and store, fat can directly deposit itself, so those chips are first in line to be plastered to your thighs.

Still, the situation might not be as bleak as it appears, because the real problem may not be drinking itself, but how often and how hard we hit the bottle.

Drink and Shrink?

Earlier this year, the Archives of Internal Medicine published what may be the best news for booze since the 21st Amendment. Researchers found that women who had one or two alcoholic drinks a day were actually less likely to gain weight than those who shunned the sauce. And they did it while consuming more calories overall (from food and drink) than both heavy drinkers and teetotalers.
Short of striking a deal with the devil, how did they manage to pull that off? Researchers believe that the bodies of long-term moderate drinkers somehow adapt to metabolize alcohol differently than heavy or occasional drinkers. They use more energy, burning the calories in the drink—or even more than that—while digesting it, says Lu Wang, M.D., Ph.D., the lead researcher of the study and an instructor in medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Researchers are still working out the specifics of how and why this happens, but they've figured out that for women who drink up to eight ounces of an alcoholic beverage a day, those calories simply don't end up as extra fat.

Of course, there's a catch. Women who bank their daily drinks for weekends or girls' nights out don't qualify for the free-calorie plan (and among the 18-to-25 crowd, this "binge" behavior is on the rise, according to a 2009 Addiction study). "Your body adjusts metabolically to the amount you drink, and when you don't drink regularly, your body can't adjust," says Wang. Instead of learning to disregard those nutritionally empty calories, your body automatically stores them—as fat. It's akin to tossing old clothes you don't wear into the back of your closet, only your body doesn't have the good sense to hide the junk. It tends to store the fat front and center, in your belly.

Booze Clues
Evidence suggests that moderate drinkers also tend to practice healthier habits than teetotalers. If you're used to having three or four drinks every week as part of your diet, you're probably compensating for them with fewer calories elsewhere. "These women know how to moderate how much they drink, so it makes sense that they'd moderate what they eat as well," says Robert Klesges, Ph.D., a professor of preventive medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis. The Archives study found that these women also exercise more, which knocks off additional calories.

Another thing that helped: The women in the Archives study were served no more than two four-ounce glasses of wine or two 1.5-ounce shots of liquor a day. In real life, you're likely to be handed far more than that by a bartender or waitress—20 to 45 percent more, according to a 2009 study in the journal Alcohol. And we're not much better when left to our own devices. "Eyeballing the right amount is very difficult," says William C. Kerr, Ph.D., a senior scientist at the Alcohol Research Group in Emeryville, California. "Most of us don't even know how much we should be shooting for, so overpouring is typical."

It's especially easy to overdo it with vino, given that the average wineglass these days looks big enough to hold a school of fish. So a bottle of light beer may be your best bet. "Unlike wine and mixed drinks, it's portion controlled—the bottle is right there with the calories printed on it," says Lisa Young, Ph.D., R.D., author of The Portion Teller Plan. "It eliminates the guesswork."


1 comment:

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