
Friday 19 October 2012

Liquid foods for your wonderful skin

Liquid foods for your wonderful skin

Hello my dear friends we love our skin very much than any one just kidding but taking care of our skin one of the important aspect for that our diet plays a important role than any other does in that liquid food we can work out than compared to the normal food for this here is the work out lets work it and make oue skin healthy than to say healthy it's good to say wonderful its sounds pretty good.............:)


Everyone knows to drink eight glasses a day. But a lack of water and dehydration can effect the skin. To improve the appearance of your skin, nothing is going to be better than consuming enough water. Water is the single most important element for the integrity of your cells. If you use moisturisers on your skin on the outside, then drinking water will moisturise your skin from the inside outwards.

The body absorbs about four ounces of water every ten minutes, therefore, water is very essential to help maintain the elasticity and suppleness of your skin and helps prevent dryness. To look more youthful, water can always give you a helping hand.

Mineral bottled water is the best water but to save money on bottled water, you can purify it at home using a water purifier.

For those who find the taste of water boring perhaps, try and add fresh mint leaves, slices of strawberry, apple, lemon, or lime to a jug of water. Keep this ‘fruit water’ in the fridge and have this great tasting water chilled and ready for you to drink.

If you are not a fan of cold water, try adding a squeeze of lemon or lime to normal temperature water. Adding the juice of one lemon to warm water taken in the morning on an empty stomach, can act as a fantastic liver detoxifier. You can also add low sugar cordials to enhance the taste.

The best way to know if you are drinking enough water is to look at your urine. It should be a very light shade of yellow or pale white. If it is darker, definitely drink more water.

Green Tea:

Green tea is made from leaves which are not fermented and therefore, it is said to have the highest level of polyphenols (also known as flavonoids), which are chemical compounds that produce pigment and photo protection, acting as a defence mechanism against harmful environmental conditions.

Green tea appears to exert sun damage protection by quenching free radicals and reducing inflammation rather than by blocking UV rays. Since it is well-known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, the polyphenols are likely to slow down the development of some signs of ageing. This does not mean it will get rid of wrinkles but it can no doubt help the skin rejuvenate.

Green tea leaves usually available from any Chinese store are said to be the most pure form of the tea. Although, you can get it in many varieties today in tea bag form. Most experts suggest drinking between three to ten cups of green tea day to get a return from its healthy properties.

If drinking the tea is perhaps a problem due to taste, then feel free to add honey or lemon to the tea for taste. An alternative is to freeze freshly brewed green tea as ice cubes and you can use them as a toner on your skin, after letting them thaw slightly.

Black Tea:

Black tea is made from the same leaves as green tea, black tea can also come in flavours such as sweet, spicy, and even chocolate. It contains ten times more antioxidants than found in fruits and vegetables. It also contains the aflavins and thearubigens, that can contribute to your health generally. It contains more caffeine than green tea, so be aware of what time of day you drink it.

Researchers found that adding milk to black tea reduces its antioxidant, vasodilating and anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, for maximum black tea benefits, avoid adding milk to your cup.

As well as drinking benefits, black tea works very well when applied to skin. Its strong antioxidants along with vitamins E and C fight the free radicals that can cause premature aging. And the tea is also a great astringent that will help with puffy eyes, spots and blemishes, as well as toning lips, perking up the complexion, highlighting hair, and making our feet smell sweet. Simply use a warm teabag on the skin for most of these.

Oolong Tea:

Oolong tea means ‘black dragon tea’ and is one of the most highly consumed teas served in traditional Chinese restaurants. It is available from most Chinese supermarkets. Oolong tea is made from the same plant from which green tea is processed, but oolong tea is more oxidised than green tea.

Oolong is a rich polyphenol tea which can help prevent several skin problems including eczema and wrinkles. Clinical trials of oolong tea have confirmed that a regular intake of tea, two times a day for three months at least, is effective in enhancing Superoxide dismutase (SOD) within the body, which combats radical damage to skin.

Trials also confirmed that oolong is very effective in delaying the appearance of signs of ageing, such as dark spots and wrinkles. It strengthens the effect of Copper-Zinc-SOD, which acts favourably within the cutaneous cells of the skin.

In addition, oolong tea is highly recognised for its help with weight loss. According to a classical Chinese medical book called the Bencoa Shiyi, the tea can help prevent obesity due to the polyphenols.

Therefore, drinking oolong tea can be a great way of delaying the ageing process of skin and loosing some pounds!

Fruit Juices:

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 Natural fruit juices

These are juices not made from concentrate but made from real vegetable and fruit juices. Drinking fruit and vegetable juices can help reverse the effects of harmful free radicals in the body and skin.

Juices which are made from 100% of the fruit or vegetable, are full of beneficial vitamins for the skin and body. Whilst tasting sweet or tangy, they can have the power of cleansing out the bad toxins in your system.

You can make the juices yourself or buy them pre-made. There are huge choices of juices available. But try and go for those high in antioxidants. Research suggests that the darker the juice, the more potent its effect. Therefore, pomegranate or blueberry juice are said have a high level of antioxidants which provide many health benefits especially for skin. Another example is an old favourite, cranberry juice, which boasts beneficial qualities for women during their time of month.

The water substance within these fruits or vegetables – their ‘juice’ in essence, provides a useful secondary source of natural hydration for the body. You can get the juices from fruit if you make smoothies, and to top it up add juice to the smoothie from a carton instead of milk.

Another great drink for the skin can be made using mineral water, fresh vegetables, and a Vitamin C capsule. Place the vegetables into a blender and mix them on medium speed until they are fully liquefied. Then, pour into a glass and add the contents of the vitamin capsule. Mix it up and enjoy.

if there is any doubt with this diet you can leave a comment...........:)

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