
Thursday 4 October 2012

The Power Abs Workout

The Power Abs Workout

Every women need fitness this is the most essential thing when we think about word fitness the first thing struck our mind is the structure of our body for the structure we need one one important in our work out is to get power abs you can get the word its not abs power abs.......and here are the work outs for this.............:)

Firm your deep ab muscles to shrink your waist, improve your posture, and gain more confidence. Do this circuit workout twice, three days a week, for a stronger core.

Absolute Power

Flat abs and killer confidence have one thing in common: a hard core. That's because the muscles that make up your middle dictate not only how you rock a sports bra but also whether you stand tall and pack a punch in kickboxing class. "Firming the deep ab muscles is the fastest way to shrink your waist and improve your posture," says Alexandra White, a co-owner of Jumping Frog Pilates in Tenafly, New Jersey, who supplied the six turbo toners on the next page. Grab a yoga mat and do the circuit twice, three days a week on alternating days. Then flash that superfly center!


Targets back, abs, obliques, inner thighs, and outer thighs
Lie faceup on floor with arms and legs extended upward; lift head, neck, and shoulders off floor.
Simultaneously lower arms out to sides and open legs 45 degrees, keeping shoulders and chest lifted throughout.
Return to start, squeezing palms together and legs together.
Do 10 to 12 reps.

Wiper Plank

Targets back, abs, obliques, butt, and legs
Start on floor in plank position, balancing on forearms and toes, elbows directly under shoulders. Clasp hands together.
Lift right leg behind you as high as you can, then lower it without touching toes to floor and bring it out to right side.
Return right leg to center, then repeat without touching toes to floor.
Do 10 to 12 reps. Switch legs and repeat.


Targets back, abs, and obliques
Sit on floor with legs extended, thighs together and feet flexed; tilt torso back 45 degrees and extend arms out to sides, palms facing forward.
Rotate torso to right, sweeping left arm across body to tap left palm to right palm.
Return to start, then repeat to left to complete 1 rep.
Do 10 to 12 reps.


Targets shoulders, back, abs, obliques, and hamstrings
Stand with feet hip-width apart, elbows bent out to sides and hands touching behind head; keeping back flat, hinge forward from hips so that upper body is parallel to floor.
Rotate torso to face right. Pause, return to center, pause again, then rotate to left to complete 1 rep.
Do 10 to 12 reps.

Skinny Dip

Targets back, abs, obliques, and butt
Lie on floor on left side, propped up on left forearm, knees bent 90 degrees and toes pointed behind you; extend right arm overhead.
Lift hips off floor, then raise bent right leg a few feet. MAKE IT EASIER: Keep knees together.
Keeping right leg lifted, dip hip to floor.
Do 10 to 12 reps. Switch sides and repeat.


Targets shoulders, back, abs, obliques, and legs
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended overhead; lift right leg about a foot off floor, toes pointed.
Hinge forward from hips and reach hands to toes.
Keeping right foot lifted and back flat throughout, straighten up to standing start position as you lift arms overhead, then place right foot on floor.
Switch sides and repeat. Do 10 to 12 reps, alternating sides.

work out for this your perfect structure shows your confidence ..........

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