
Wednesday 10 October 2012

Things that women shouldn't do in public

Things that women shouldn't do in public

Recently, the good people at revealed their list of the ìTop Ten Things Men Shouldnít Do In Public,î which included definite no-noís like picking their noses and peeing conspicuously, and debatable no-noís like crying (Come on, what if his dog just died? What if he just watched The Notebook for the first time?). Interestingly, they said proposing to your girlfriend on a subway was a ìboldî public moveósomething that really ought to top the list of forbidden public acts, if you ask me (I mean seriously, a subway? Is there a danker, drearier place on Earth to ask a woman to spend the rest of your life with you?).

Anyway, thereís no reason men should have all the fun, so in the interest of equality weíve got a list of our own. After the jump, the ìTop Ten Things Women Shouldnít Do In Public.î

1. Apply Full Make-Up 

Okay, look. Refreshing your lip gloss after a meal is one thing, but putting your whole face on while riding the bus or subway (where no one should do any proposing!) is so not cool. Set your alarm ten minutes earlier, and do your makeup before you leave your apartment. A woman has to retain a little mystique, you know.

2. Adjust Your Skimpy Underwear 

If itís so uncomfortable in the first place that you have to go digging in places you really shouldnít, maybe itís time to switch to underwear with a little more coverage, hmm?

3. Sit Cross-Legged While Wearing a Skirt 

10 Things a Lady Should Never Do in Public

Just donít.

4. Show Off Your Midriff 

I donít care if youíve got washboard abs, if you could bounce a quarter of your belly, or if youíre only sixteen. Unless youíre on the beach, at the pool, or working for tips, no one, I mean no one, should be running around with an exposed midriff. Itís just not classy.

5. Talk on Your Phone in a Public Bathroom or Dressing Room 

Bathrooms and dressing rooms are sort of like Vegas. What happens in them should stay in them, and you with your phone broadcasting every sound to God knows who and subjecting the rest of us to some inane conversation that can absolutely wait until you no longer have your pants around the ankles is not honoring that sacred code.

6. Ask Your Partner or Spouse If They Love You 

Itís uncomfortable for them; itís uncomfortable for us. Save your strange pillow talk for when youíre horizontal.

7. Tweeze Errant Hairs or Pop a Pimple 

While I understand the temptation of removing any evidence that youíre less than perfect, doing so in public not only underscores your imperfections, it makes you look, well, kinda nasty.

8. Criticize Your Partner or Spouse 

Sure, they may deserve itóespecially if theyíre treating a waitress like crap or ogling other people, but thereís a time and a place for everything, and in public when everyone can hear your private conversation is not it.

9. Adjust the Girls 

Weíve all been there before: a breast slips below your underwire or heads too closely to your armpit, but until you find a private spot, resist the urge to reach into your bra and readjust.

10. Pee All Over the Toilet Seat 

If you do happen to have bad aim, remember the old adage: If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat!
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