
Saturday 29 September 2012

Work on Your Healthy Body Attitude

Work on Your Healthy Body Attitude

A recent episode of Katie Couric’s new show Katie covered the topic of eating disorders and specifically, an increase of eating disorders among women ages 40 and up. The show participants discussed the increasing societal pressure among women to look younger longer. For some people, that pressure translates to eating disorders. Of course, if you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you should seek professional medical advice to get help. But the show was a good reminder on how we need more open discussions on how to age gracefully in healthy ways, so we can prevent women from a self-destructive path. It’s so important to discuss healthy aging because aging escapes no one. Here are some ways to develop a healthy attitude about getting older and to love how you look—and feel.

Work on the inside out:

 If you spoke with any dermatologist, you’d quickly find out that how your skin looks isn’t all about cosmetic products on your shelf or a cosmetic procedure, but what foods are going into your body. When you eat lots of fruits and veggies of various colors, your healthy choices show up externally. Your skin can retain more of its youthfulness when you eat healthy and you will have increased energy.  You can retain your sense of vitality by eating healthy foods. I personally take fish oil and collagen (over-the-counter supplements) to help with healthy skin, hair and nails and I’ve noticed improvement!

Focus on exercise you love:

 When you find a form of exercise you love, you are more likely to stick with it no matter what your age. Regular exercise means you will age more gracefully—period. Try some different forms of exercise until you find one you love so you are less likely to skip your workouts. Exercise comes in all forms.  Listen to your body and do what feels good. If your knees or back doesn’t like running, then try something else. Exercise helps you retain muscle as you age, keeps you looking younger, helps you maintain a positive outlook and boosts your energy level.

Don’t discount the importance of sleep:

 You already know you need to eat healthy and exercise, but sleep is the third part of the equation in living a healthy life. Strive for an average of seven hours a night. Proper sleep can prevent weight gain, alleviate stress and boost your energy throughout the day. Your body needs to recharge at night, so don’t skimp on your sleep.  I personally find when I create a more relaxing sleep environment I sleep better.  Try removing your electronics from your bedroom or try a new pillow if needed.

Notice what you like:

 Even women in their forties (and that’s not old!) can look into the mirror and only notice perceived flaws or obsess over how they don’t look 20 anymore.  Yeah, I have to color my gray roots every 3 weeks and my smile lines are getting deeper … but what about noticing all of the good things instead? Have you ever approached a mirror with a more positive attitude? List the things you like about you. Play up your attributes you like. Repeat positive thoughts about yourself inside your head and try to make it a habit.


 Back to your skin … how much water you consume is also reflected in how your skin appears. And drinking water is beneficial in many additional ways. It can make you feel fuller faster so you are less likely to overeat, it detoxifies the body and it protects and moisturizes joints. Drink water daily as a natural way to improve your appearance. 

Keep a gratitude journal:

 To avoid focusing exclusively on how you look, maintain a healthy perspective by consciously thinking about what you feel grateful for in your life. It could be your kids, your family, your spouse, a good book, your healthy body, friends, a vacation coming up or a cup of coffee and the sunrise. When you start to think with gratitude, you start noticing lots of little things everywhere to be grateful for and that can keep you in a joyous mood and a positive state.

I think if more women talked and shared their experiences openly about getting older, fewer women would feel alone in the journey. With the support and humor of other women, maybe we can lessen the pressure in thinking we need to look like we are in our twenties when we are in our forties or fifties. We can understand aging as something no one can avoid, and we can embrace it by holding on to our health as long as we can instead of trying to stop the clock. Together we all can age gracefully with energy and good health for decades to come. My 47thbirthday is coming up in a month, my 23rd wedding anniversary right after that, I don’t know … feels kind of good! :)


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