
Monday 15 October 2012

know about the facts of smoking

 know about the facts of smoking 

How many of you are having the habit of smoking i think many of you will stop smoking after knowing the facts about that i think it may relax you or make you  for seconds to minutes but that will cause danger to you for years so prevention is better than cure my friends.

The average cigarette is gone in 10 puffs and five minutes, but that's five minutes of havoc as 4,000 chemicals infiltrate your organs.

0 to 10 Seconds

As you take the first drag, smoke passes through your mouth, leaving a faint brown film on your pearly whites. Toxic gases such as formaldehyde and ammonia immediately put your immune system on alert, causing allover inflammation.

Once in the windpipe, the cigarette smoke temporarily slows your cilia, the tiny sweepers that work to clear your respiratory system of mucus and invading particles. Meanwhile, airborne nicotine passes instantly into your bloodstream through the millions of capillaries in your lungs.

Your body gets a jolt of energy as that nicotine hits your adrenal glands, triggering an outpouring of adrenaline that raises your blood pressure and heart rate. Your heart is unable to relax fully between beats—and you are now at a higher risk of having a stroke.

At the same time, carbon monoxide (a toxic component also found in car exhaust) from the smoke is starting to build up in your blood, limiting your body's ability to transport oxygen to your vital organs.

Via the blood-stream, nicotine hits your brain, where certain nerve cells respond by letting loose a torrent of the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine.

After 5 Minutes

As dopamine levels quickly plummet back to normal, your body yearns for another high—even if you're not aware of it. If you frequently give in to the craving, your brain will get hooked and you'll crash into withdrawal when you try to stop smoking (some experts posit that nicotine could be just as addictive as heroin).

The cigarette smoke is gone, but your body will be mopping up toxic substances for the next six to eight hours.


The cigarette's parting gift: gooey brown tar in your lungs.

Time-lapse photographic technology has proved that the embryos of smoking women show slower growth rate. This study was presented at European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) meeting in Turkey.

French academics in an IVF clinic evaluated regular pictures fertilized egg and until it was prepared to implant into mother. This study indicates that all the developmental stage of embryos of smoking women are behind of two hours.

One of the researchers of University Hospital communicated: You want a baby, quit smoking”.

Researchers have evaluated 868 embryos development and out which 139 from smokers.  The embryos of non smoker s attain five cell stage within 49 hours in comparison to smokers it tool almost 50 hours.  Similarly the embryos of non smoker reaches at eight cell stage within 58 hours and those who were smoker, it took 62 hours.

Senior embryologist and lead researcher, Dr Thomas Freour, told the BBC: “Embryos from smoking women, they behave slower, there is a delay in their development.“On average it is about two hours, it is significant and nobody knew that before.”Dr Freour speculated that “if they go slower, maybe something is starting to go wrong and they wouldn’t implant.”

His give a very simple advice: “You should quit smoking, it couldn’t be easier. What else can I say? You want a baby, quit smoking.”

Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield, said it was an “interesting” study which pioneered the use of new technology.

“It uses a fancy piece of equipment called an embryoscope which allows scientists to watch in real time how embryos develop without disturbing them.

“It’s early days for this machine but we need trials like this to test its potential, we know our current methods of embryo selection are based on what looks good down the microscope to a trained eye.”

1 comment:

  1. I hope this would alarm all smokers out there. It's time to break the habit!
    Stop Smoking Brisbane
